World of warships submarines wiki
World of warships submarines wiki

world of warships submarines wiki world of warships submarines wiki

Cutting speed and turning hard away from the collision point is usually enough to clear the torps. Once the torps near the shutoff range, then it is when you start pulling your dodge. As long as the torps are homing they will adapt to your move so maneuvering is a wasted effort unless you do it to setup a more convenient angle. Once you spot the torps keep your bearing steady, don't panic, let them line up to your trajectory. Try to keep as much angle as possible, around 30-45 degrees is usually enough. Once you are pinged, immediatly setup up your dodge move according to the direction you want to go and the direction the torps are coming, remember running straingt away is the worst alternative as the torps will home right into you. The general idea is to feint and lead the torps away from you and then change your direction once the torps stop homing, make an appointment with the torps (at hte collision point) but leave them hanging once they are unable to correct their direction. If you are familiar with Tauromaquia (Bull fighting) then dodging torps will come natural to you. On Submarines always use the DCP, you won't be dodging those torps otherwise. So, don't use DCP to break homing on BBs, for the most part it is uselessĭouble pings on Cruisers and DDs are extremely dangerous, use your DCP if you have it and are in a position to pull the dodge. It is very important for you to become familiar with the shutoff range values shown in this table (it is in the Wiki)įrom studying it you will realize some rules of thumb, the more relevant are:įor BBs, torpedoes stop homing around the torpedo spotting range, so you win nothing by using DCP as once you spot it, the torpedo is already not homing. On extreme cases for very fast DDs the torps can home right into your ship because the shutoff distace is smaller than the collision point, meaning the torp is still homing when it reaches your ship. This is critical because the direction in which you are moving can work for or against you, in general terms moving into the torps will win you space, moving away from the torps will lose you space.Īs you can see, moving away from the torps make them more difficult to dodge the faster you move. The takeaway is torpedoes stop homing at a certain range from the collision point (not your ship). It is already well explained in the Wiki so I leave you the link here: This is the second critical aspect to understand.

World of warships submarines wiki